Carham Parish Council

The Annual Parish Council Meeting was held on 9 May. Among other things, the meeting reviewed and agreed the Parish Council’s Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR). The AGAR and the accounting records for the financial year, and documents relating to these records, are all available on the Standards page of this website. They are also available for inspection on reasonable notice by application to the Parish Clerk from Monday 5 June 2023 to Tuesday 4 July 2023.

Annual Parish Council Meeting

The Annual Parish Council Meeting will be on Tuesday 9 May at St Cuthbert’s church, Carham. The meeting will start at 6.35 pm or on the rising of the preceding Annual Parish Assembly, whichever is the later. You can find the agenda and minutes of previous meetings on our Meetings page. All parishioners are welcome to attend the meeting. Please contact the Parish Clerk for more information.

Carham Parish Council

The Annual Parish Council Meeting was held on 10 May. Among other things, the meeting reviewed and agreed the Parish Council’s Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR). The AGAR documents are all available on the Standards page of this website. The AGAR and the accounting records for the financial year, and documents relating to these records, are available for inspection on reasonable notice by application to the Parish Clerk from Monday 13 June 2022 to Friday 22 July 2022.

Annual Assembly 2021

Carham parish’s Annual Assembly was held on 18 May. The meeting agreed the minutes of the previous year’s Annual Assembly, reviewed the Parish Council’s internal audit, and approved its financial accounting and governance statements and its certificate of exemption. All of these documents can be found on the Meetings and Standards pages of this website or can be requested from the Parish Clerk.

Annual Assembly 2020

Carham parish’s Annual Assembly was held on 8 September. The meeting agreed the minutes of the previous year’s Annual Assembly, reviewed the Parish Council’s internal audit, and approved its financial accounting and governance statements and its certificate of exemption. All of these documents can be found on the Meetings and Standards pages on this website. If you have any questions about them, please contact the Parish Clerk.

Annual Assembly 2019

Carham Parish Council’s Annual Assembly was held on 14 May at St Cuthbert’s Church, Carham. The meeting agreed the minutes of the previous year’s Annual Assembly, reviewed the Parish Council’s internal audit, and approved its financial accounting and governance statements and its certificate of exemption. All of these documents can be found on the Meetings and Standards pages on this website.